Cervical cancer remains the second most common cancer among women worldwide and commonest among Nepalese women
Cervical cancer is one of the preventable malignancy of the female genital tract
Worldwide, cervical cancer is one of the leading cause of death in developing countries. It is due to lack of screening of precancerous lesion of cervix
Developing countries like Nepal where pre-cancer screening services is limited, its risks remain very high
Due to lack of knowledge and awareness of screening of cervical precancerous lesion, cervical cancer is detected in advanced stage when the disease is incurable.
Development of the cancer from pre-cancer state takes 10-15 years so detecting in pre-cancer state ensures a complete cure
So lets work together and help us to eradicate cervical cancer in Nepal.
Screening of general public for cervical pre-cancer in an affordable cost at our office building since 2015 February
Started free consultation and check up including VIA Test and Colposcopy examination
Knowing about all these things as mentioned above, if you want to contribute to the society including to and help for the screening camps at your community and donate for the screening programs of NCCF
Please contact to Nepal Cancer Care Foundation, Talchikhel